Side lwamapulangwe yezinkinobho BlackBerry 8100 Pearl
Side panel — wukuthi ingxenye smartphone 8100, kungazelelwe lapho ingasasebenziseki ngenxa yezizathu ezihlukahlukene. Ngenxa kwelungiselelo elikhethekile, imiphumela emibi ikakhulukazi ezibathintayo njalo. Side panel ezingonakalisa ukubukeka jikelele smartphone ezingenamaqabunga / upende aqhephukile noma ukukhinyabeza ukusebenza inkinobho ukugqashuka. Sinikeza original side panel iqoqo izingxenye ezimbili, nazo zonke izinkinobho ezidingekayo futhi cutouts etindzaweni letifanele nje kuphela. — Original kusho ukuthi basuke akhiqizwa BlackBerry, kukhona ezifanayo umbala kanye nosayizi kuya "bomdabu" of the phone. Ukukhipha panel ezintsha, uyobe ngokushesha ubone ukuthi siguqulwe BlackBerry yakho, uzobuya kuye kuze nokuhlanzeka kanye elikhangayo.
Ukuba khona panel ngemibala emibili: ukukhanya kanye metallic emnyama. Ukuze inkomba, bheka isithombe.
Panel 8110/8120/8130 — onga ukumisa bahluke. Uma BlackBerry 8110, 8120 noma 8130, bheka ikhasi Side lwamapulangwe yezinkinobho BlackBerry 8110 / 8120/8130 Pearl.
Specifications and properties of the product
- Quality and function: genuine (authentic)
- Materials and fabric: plastic
- Appearance, image and texture: plain colored, gloss / Chrome
- Product type: Spare part → Housing and its parts → Housing parts → Bezel → Bezel only
![]() Product variants and codes:
This product fits the BlackBerry models: