Isignesha Isikhumba Case Bag Isiqeshana Cellet Wallet Case for BlackBerry 8100 / 8110/8120 Pearl
Wallet Case for BlackBerry 8100 / 8110/8120 multifunction Pearl — premium accessory ye kusukela Cellet inkampani. Uma uthanda eliphezulu lesikhumba yemvelo, Kulokhu ikuvumela ukuba ujabulele it ngokugcwele: yenziwa ngokuphelele lesikhumba, kuhlanganise elingaphakathi, emaphaketheni kanye side nezindonga. ukuthungwa Ephelele smooth ubukeka ezibizayo nenhle. Lokhu kwaziswa ayidingi anezele ekhethekile ukuthi abathambekele kuphawulwe umkhiqizi, enezela design zakudala ezinombala ofanayo imibala nenhle logo Embossed.
Wallet Case — hhayi nje cover, liphinde isikhwama real: ngaphakathi kukhona amagumbi eziningana for imali kanye credit cards. Namathisela isesekeli Bopha ibhande lakho noma esikhwameni ithinte ne clip yayihlanganisa, futhi konke okudingayo uhlale kutholakale kalula!
Once ucingo icala, it is ngokuzenzakalelayo ikhiyiwe — sici magnetic kuzokusiza Ukulondoloza amandla ebhethri futhi ugweme ompompi ngephutha on the keyboard.
Specifications and properties of the product
- Quality and function: premium, brand name, case inludes magnet, case with a removable clip
- Materials and fabric: genuine leather, plastic, the cloth
- Appearance, image and texture: plain colored, fine texture
- Product type: Case and its accessories → Bag case or wallet case → Horizontal type
Product code: LWALC-8100 (LWALC)
![]() This product fits the BlackBerry models: