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The Indwangu original ikhava-pocket Microfibre Pocket esikhwameni for BlackBerry 9320 / 9220 Curve

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The Indwangu original ikhava-pocket Microfibre Pocket esikhwameni for BlackBerry 9320 / 9220 Curve
Unique, okuhlala kanye ne soft ngokumangalisayo futhi kumnandi touch — impahla wangaphandle. ukubukeka Excellent, ukuthungwa Suede soft. It isekela magnetic BlackBerry ubuchwepheshe.

The Indwangu original ikhava-pocket Microfibre Pocket esikhwameni for BlackBerry 9320 / 9220 Curve — emisha ezihlukahlukene nesembozo, esenziwe a unique, okuhlala isikhathi eside futhi kumnandi touch — impahla wangaphandle. Case-pocket iqinisekisa ukuvikelwa okuphelele yefoni yakho ekulimaleni ehlukahlukene (umthelela, imihuzuko, ukungcola).

Ubuhle le yikhono amboze imali energy ibhethri: ngaphakathi kukhona inzwa magnetic ukuthi kubangelwa ngokushesha nje smartphone ubonakele ecaleni elithile, ukuhlinzeka isikrini backlight futhi ikhiphedi Ilokhi. ungakhetha ezahlukene ongakhetha umsindo umsebenzi (vibration, ringtone, vibration + melody) Ukuze kube lula isaziso, ngesikhathi esifanayo ukuze amboze ifoni ngeke ngokuzenzakalelayo ukusebenzisa lolu hlelo akhethiwe umsindo, futhi ngaphandle kwalo — evamile.

Wafinyeza phambi kobuso cover ikuvumela ukuba asuse kwamandla idivayisi, ngokwanele ukuba kancane donsa on engxenyeni engenhla. Ngenxa the izicubu zomzimba ezithambile abami ebusweni engaphakathi cover, ephaketheni, smartphone komzamo ukudlulisa okunye, ngakho ingaphakathi kungaba ngokuphawulekayo ukuthambisa igalelo of kudivayisi ekwindla.

Ngenxa impahla ekhethekile, ikhava ihlanganisa nokwethenjelwa ukuvikelwa, ukuqina kanye, ngesikhathi esifanayo, ukuthungwa soft ngokumangalisayo emnandi. Ukuze cover touch sifana Suede soft. The Indwangu original ikhava-pocket Microfibre Pocket esikhwameni for BlackBerry 9320 / Ijika 9220 kuyoba yinto Ngaphezu omuhle smartphone yakho, kanye nomklamo walo esisetshenziswa ngezindlela ezihlukahlukene kuhlangene ngokuphumelelayo kokubili ibhizinisi, futhi nge "mahhala" isitayela.

Specifications and properties of the product

  • Quality and function: genuine (authentic), case inludes magnet
  • Materials and fabric: the cloth
  • Appearance, image and texture: plain colored
  • Product type:
  • Quality and function: genuine (authentic), case inludes magnet
  • Materials and fabric: the cloth
  • Appearance, image and texture: two or more colors
  • Product type:
Price:  $23

The Indwangu original ikhava-pocket Microfibre Pocket esikhwameni for BlackBerry 9320 / 9220 Curve

Product variants and codes:

  • Black / Grey (Black / Grey) ACC-46639-203 (HDW-46638-003)
  • Black / Blue (Black / Sky Blue) ACC-46639-202 (HDW-46638-002)

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry 9320
  • BlackBerry 9315
  • BlackBerry 9310
  • BlackBerry 9220