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Silicone Corporate kokuvalelwa lesikhumba ufaka AGF Black Leather Inlay nge TPU Case for BlackBerry 9360 / 9370 Curve

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Silicone Corporate kokuvalelwa lesikhumba ufaka AGF Black Leather Inlay nge TPU Case for BlackBerry 9360 / 9370 Curve
Inhlanganisela ezingavamile design kungemalengiso futsi lihle quality brand. An ezihlukahlukene Amazing ukwakheka in into eyodwa. Ibhokisi ezenziwe okuqotho. Kuyinto okuhlala isikhathi eside kakhulu futhi cover esiqinile.

Inhlanganisela ezingavamile design kungemalengiso futsi izinga lihle corporate — Case AGF Black Leather Inlay ne TPU Case, elakhelwe ngoba BlackBerry 9360 / 9370 Curve. Excellent izakhiwo zokuzivikela ihlinzeka ekhethekile TPU-material (abicah ababekwa uphawu): yena muhle kabi shock ukumuncwa, kuvimbela imihuzuko udoti. Kwamanzi ekhethekile engashiyi izigxivizo zeminwe. I ekahle ukutshala futhi ubuncane nobukhulu balezi ze-kuzokwenza sikwazi smartphone yakho ukubheka yonke ezincanyana efanayo. Case has zonke cutouts ezidingekayo for izinkinobho ezinengilazi.

ikhava yangaphandle ufanelwe ukuqashelwa okukhethekile. Okokuqala, kuba ezihlukahlukene Amazing ukwakheka in into eyodwa: Faka ingxenye esemqoka ye abicah mat, ne namantombazane yaphakamisa ezinhlangothini, ikhava yangemuva is babehlanganisa ezenziwe okuqotho enkulu ukuthungwa — ibukeka inhlanganisela eyisidlakela. sobala Masinyane ukuthi icala aliveza ngokuningiliziwe: yebo ingxenye engaphakathi kanye ikhamera / flash panel babe ezindaweni zawo siqu esiyingqayizivele! Leli cala ngeke ivumelane abathandi kungemalengiso isitayela kanye ethintekayo emizweni.

Kuhle kokusho ukuthi icala okuhlala isikhathi eside kakhulu futhi ngamandla. Akalokothi ekudumaza kungalindelekile, ngeke sibheke "obuphendukezelwe amathonya alien" nabadala. Lokhu kungenye ingxenye ebalulekile ummeleli we zinhlobo zakhe.

Specifications and properties of the product

  • Quality and function: premium, brand name
  • Materials and fabric: genuine leather, termoplastic polyuretane (TPU)
  • Appearance, image and texture: plain colored, with large texture, matte
  • Product type:
Price:  $65  $32
Product code: SA0812-9005

Silicone Corporate kokuvalelwa lesikhumba ufaka AGF Black Leather Inlay nge TPU Case for BlackBerry 9360 / 9370 Curve

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry 9370
  • BlackBerry 9360
  • BlackBerry 9350