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Isignesha Case-holster Seidio Spring-Clip holster for BlackBerry 9800 / 9810 Torch

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Isignesha Case-holster Seidio Spring-Clip holster for BlackBerry 9800 / 9810 Torch
Enye yezinto izesekeli elula kunazo futhi enokwethenjelwa for umuntu ibhizinisi. It ivikela isikrini kuvimba kuwa ngephutha, sizihambisele khulula. ukubukeka Representative.

Isignesha Case-holster Seidio Spring-Clip holster for 9800/9810 Torch — izesekeli elula kunazo futhi enokwethenjelwa for umuntu ibhizinisi. Ngokuphelele ivikela isikrini smartphone zintekenteke kuvimbela ukuwa ngengozi.

Ukuze ukugqoka a holster, screen kwanele ukubeka ifoni futhi ake ahambe of the yasibamba phezulu; Holster zisuswe kalula uma kunesidingo. Isiqeshana on emuva ikuvumela ukuba unamathisele BlackBerry yakho ukuze Bopha ibhande lakho noma esikhwameni ithinte, futhi ngaleyo ndlela baphathe.

Ukufinyelela USB nezimbobo audio ukunikeza umsebenzi ujwayelene ifoni, kuyilapho wena akudingeki ukususa smartphone yakho kusukela holster, uma, ngokwesibonelo, ufuna ukulalela umculo. Uma usadinga ukuthatha out smartphone yakho, khona-ke ingaphakathi holster, uphahlwe indwangu ethambile, futhi emagumbini rubberized ezikuvumela ukuba ukwenze ngaphandle ukunwaya ifoni.

Ukwaluka unique luma design and quality materials kusukela holster inkampani Seidio ihlinzeka ukubukeka omele.

Specifications and properties of the product

  • Quality and function: premium, brand name
  • Materials and fabric: plastic, the cloth
  • Appearance, image and texture: plain colored, matte
  • Product type:
Price:  $40
Product code: HLBB9800AS

Isignesha Case-holster Seidio Spring-Clip holster for BlackBerry 9800 / 9810 Torch

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry 9810
  • BlackBerry 9800