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Isignesha Isikhumba Ikesi zibheka okuvula Doormoon lid BlackBerry 9800 / 9810 Torch

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Isignesha Isikhumba Ikesi zibheka okuvula Doormoon lid BlackBerry 9800 / 9810 Torch
High-izinga universal lesikhumba nasikhwama. Enye yezinto ezikahle kakhulu kuzinto. Luhlala Isikhathi Eside ukusebenzisa futhi usentekenteke ebalulekile smartphone.

High-izinga universal lesikhumba nasikhwama. Enye yezinto ezikahle kakhulu kuzinto — wokuvula mpo. Ingaphakathi ifreyimu ngesimo kanzima-isembozo agibele amahhashi kanye nazo zonke cutouts: Indawo ekahle kanye nokusebenzisa aqinisekisiwe. Ukuze usebenze ngempumelelo smartphone yakho, umane uvule ikhava phezulu, futhi yonke imisebenzi kuyoba kusizinda, isinciphisi uyophinde wobulawa phambili ngaphandle kwesithiyo. Vala lid on a ukuyona magnetic. Kumele kuqashelwe ukuthi ingaphakathi intekenteke kakhulu yefoni yakho: lapho kungenzeka, ebusweni limbozwa ngendwangu elithambile.

Doormoon — choice kulabo abadinga cover eliqinile nsuku zonke. design Its elula efanelekayo yisiphi isimo, ezokukhiqiza olunembile futhi brand izinga ngeke sijabulise nawe.
Cover lungasetshenziswa ngendlela ifomu avaliwe ukuvula ikhava akudingekile ukulalela umculo noma ukushaja idivayisi.

Specifications and properties of the product

Price:  $33
Product code: 9800VOCASE-DMOON

Isignesha Isikhumba Ikesi zibheka okuvula Doormoon lid BlackBerry 9800 / 9810 Torch

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry 9810
  • BlackBerry 9800