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Yoobao zokuzivikela Ifilimu BlackBerry 9800 / 9810 Torch

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Yoobao zokuzivikela Ifilimu BlackBerry 9800 / 9810 Torch
Sekuyisikhathi eside Le filimu abelokhu ekhona kule uhla yethu futhi kwaphela isikhathi eside bakwazi ukufakazela izinga yabo. Obukhulu, ngokuphelele esobala, classical surface ukuthungwa. izesekeli babelibiza — isiqinisekiso ukuqina.

BlackBerry 9800 (9810) — idivayisi nge touch screen esikhulu, ofuna ukuba banakekele ukuvikelwa ngokushesha ngangokunokwenzeka, njengoba isibuko kunzima impela ukushintsha, futhi ecasulayo ikakhulukazi ukuthi bekuyoba okubaluleke kangakanani ukwenza ngenxa yokulimala ekwakhiweni zangaphandle.

Yoobao zokuzivikela Ifilimu BlackBerry 9800 / 9810 Torch eside abelokhu ekhona kule uhla yethu futhi kwaphela isikhathi eside bakwazi ukufakazela izinga yabo. It ivikela isikrini imihuzuko udoti futhi akuphazamisi uzwela yayo. Obukhulu, esobala kahle kakhulu, classic surface ukuthungwa. Made nazo zonke izici Torch, it kufanelana kahle. It engashiyi zinsalela ziyavezwa uma isusiwe.

Film Yoobao — esinophawu izesekeli. Ukhethe kahle ukunakekela smartphone, isiqinisekiso ukuqina.

Sticker zokuzivikela ifilimu — hhayi obangela ezimnandi ngisho onguchwepheshe. Ukuze enze inqubo, kufanele ukhambisane nayo ubuchwepheshe: ukuze alungiselele izimo ezifanele ukusebenzisa uketshezi ekhethekile nekhadi uyisuse. Uma ungazizwa amandla okubhekana nale msebenzi, sicela uxhumane ongoti bethu: Ilebula we ifilimu zokuzivikela esikrinini.

Specifications and properties of the product

  • Quality and function: brand name
  • Materials and fabric: polymer (film)
  • Appearance, image and texture: gloss / Chrome, transparent
  • Product type:
Price:  $3
Product code: 9800SCRPROT-YB

Yoobao zokuzivikela Ifilimu BlackBerry 9800 / 9810 Torch

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry 9810
  • BlackBerry 9800