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I original lesikhumba icala ephaketheni-matte Isikhumba Pocket for BlackBerry 9900 / 9930/9720

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I original lesikhumba icala ephaketheni-matte Isikhumba Pocket for BlackBerry 9900 / 9930/9720
Inikeza ukuvikelwa egcwele yefoni yakho yokulimala ehlukahlukene. ukubukeka Excellent, classic ukuthungwa smooth. Lokhu ikhava original for BlackBerry 9900 ihlinzekwa ezinye opharetha angaphandle. It isekela magnetic BlackBerry ubuchwepheshe.

I original lesikhumba icala ephaketheni-matte Isikhumba Pocket for BlackBerry 9900 / 9930 Bold Touch BlackBerry 9720 futhi asivikele umnyuziki yefoni yakho ekulimaleni ehlukahlukene (umthelela, imihuzuko, ukungcola). A isesekeli classic.

Isembozo inzuzo ka-ekhukhwini yikhono Ukulondoloza amandla ebhethri: ngaphakathi kukhona inzwa magnetic ukuthi kubangelwa ngokushesha nje smartphone ubonakele ecaleni elithile, ukuhlinzeka isikrini backlight futhi ikhiphedi Ilokhi. ungakhetha ongakhetha ahlukahlukene umsindo efonini (vibration, ringtone, vibration + melody) Ukuze kube lula isaziso, ngesikhathi esifanayo ecaleni umshini ngokuzenzakalelayo ukusebenzisa lolu hlelo akhethiwe umsindo, futhi ngaphandle kwalo — evamile.

Wafinyeza phambi kobuso cover ikuvumela ukuba asuse kwamandla idivayisi kusukela icala, kuyoba okwanele ukuba kancane donsa phezulu. With the izicubu ezithambile imigqa ebusweni engaphakathi ephaketheni cover-phone ngokushelela kwaphoqa kwangaphandle, ngaphezu kwalokho, okunjengalokhu kube ingxenye engaphakathi kungaba ngokuphawulekayo ukududuza umonakalo lapho kwehla.

Buhle okubonakalayo lesikhumba-cover ephaketheni Isikhumba Pocket look emihle nomuzwa zakudala smooth ukuthungwa — lokhu kuzosiza kudivayisi yakho bheka nomdlalo omkhulu futhi uyakufanelekela isitayela sakho.

Lokhu ikhava original for BlackBerry 9900 ihlinzekwa ezinye opharetha angaphandle. Bheka futhi version of the nezinye ukuthungwa .

Specifications and properties of the product

  • Quality and function: genuine (authentic), case inludes magnet
  • Materials and fabric: genuine leather, plastic, the cloth
  • Appearance, image and texture: plain colored, fine texture
  • Product type:
Price:  $45  $22

I original lesikhumba icala ephaketheni-matte Isikhumba Pocket for BlackBerry 9900 / 9930/9720

Product variants and codes:

  • Black (Black) HDW-38844-001
  • White (mbala omhlophe) HDW-38844-002

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry 9930
  • BlackBerry 9900
  • BlackBerry 9720