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Original ideskithophu ishaja "Glass" Vumelanisa Pod Bundle for BlackBerry 9850 / 9860 Torch

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Original ideskithophu ishaja "Glass" Vumelanisa Pod Bundle for BlackBerry 9850 / 9860 Torch
Ngempela enhle futhi okulula ukusetshenziswa ishaja idivayisi ukuvumelanisa nge PC. Bundle-iphakethe kuhlanganisa USB-ikhebula.

ideskithophu Original ishaja "Glass» Vumelanisa Pod Bundle for BlackBerry 9850 / 9860 Torch — kuyinto enhle futhi kulula ukuyisebenzisa ishaja. Into esisemqoka bonke abanikazi BlackBerry.

Elele phezu kwetafula, idivayisi kuyinto ngaso sonke isikhathi "ukwamukela" BlackBerry yakho, okuzokwenza njalo abe ibhethri ngokugcwele. Idivayisi yalolu hlobo, ngaphandle kokungabaza, indlela elula kunazo ukukhokhisa smartphone yakho. Futhi, idivayisi ubizwa ngokuthi Ukushaja Pod noma yokushaja, noma Cradle, okungase elihunyushwa ngokuthi "esikhumulweni semikhumbi wayeqamba" noma "imbeleko", eveza injongo yayo.

Isici esibalulekile salo kule divayisi yikhono ukuvumelanisa nge-computer. Ngamanye amazwi, uma uxhuma Ukushaja Pod for BlackBerry 9850 / 9860 Torch hhayi Ukushaja AC, futhi kwikhompyutha ngama- microUSB-ikhebula, ungakwazi ukwenza yonke imisebenzi, kanye ukuxhumana ngqo, kuhlanganise nomsebenzi ne BlackBerry Ubuso bekhompyutha Manager. Ukukopisha umculo nezithombe, ufake izicelo, yesipele idatha yakho kanye nomsebenzi nge — imemori khadi zonke ongakhetha kule divayisi.

Okunye okubalulekile uphiko yobuhle — amadivayisi babukeka nice ngempela. Ngokubeka smartphone Cradle, it sekuqalile ukuba 'imodi yasebusuku "futhi ubonisa iwashi. Ebumnyameni, idivayisi esikhanyayo esikhanyayo, futhi ifakwe ku-ke smartphone. It has a surface rubberized futhi akusho sehla phezu kwetafula. Bona izithombe — uyayithanda!

Bundle-iphakethe kuhlanganisa USB-ikhebula, bephethe original emaphaketheni BlackBerry yayo. Kulesi ukumisa ishaja desktop "Glass» Carging Pod Bundle for BlackBerry 9850 / 9860 Torch — ezipheleleyo.

Specifications and properties of the product

Price:  $23
Product code: ACC-39451-301 (HDW-38308-001)

Original ideskithophu ishaja "Glass" Vumelanisa Pod Bundle for BlackBerry 9850 / 9860 Torch

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry 9860
  • BlackBerry 9850