透明保护屏BlackBerry 9850 / 9860 Torch
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透明保护屏BlackBerry 9850 / 9860 Torch
—电影是为BlackBerry 9850 / 9860智能手机中最重要的配件,这是一个大屏幕,需要防止灰尘,磨损,划痕需要保护的触摸设备,甚至不强震撼!
这部电影可以防止不利影响仍然几乎看不见的眼睛在屏幕上,因为它是非常清晰细腻。该膜为由于其特征BlackBerry 9850 / 9860模型(其具有所需要的大小,形状和凹部)具体地进行。
Specifications and properties of the product
- Quality and function: manufacturer unknown
- Materials and fabric: polymer (film)
- Appearance, image and texture: gloss / Chrome, transparent
- Product type: Protective sticker → For screen → Clear
Price: $7
Product code: 9860SCRPROT
This product fits the BlackBerry models: