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Isembozo sekhava se-plastic corporation Isikhumba IMAK seBlackBerry KEY2 LE

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Isembozo sekhava se-plastic corporation Isikhumba IMAK seBlackBerry KEY2 LE
I-IMAK isembozo esincane futhi esincane futhi isikhumba esihle sokuthungwa.

I-IMAK ikhava ngqo i-BlackBerry KEY2LE!

  • Ehlala njalo, ngokuthembekile ivikela ifoni
  • Unemibala yezinkinobho ezihlangene nekhamera
  • Elula futhi elula
  • I-— yokugqoka iyisimboli sekhwalithi yekhwalithi, ibheka futhi izwa njengesikhumba semvelo
  • Izinketho ezimbili zombala: zakudala futhi ziqhathanisa ne-trim ephansi

Specifications and properties of the product

Price:  $13

Isembozo sekhava se-plastic corporation Isikhumba IMAK seBlackBerry KEY2 LE

Product variants and codes:

  • Okumnyama / Okumnyama (Okumnyama / Okumnyama) K2LEPLDRCASEIML-BKBR

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry KEY2 LE