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Uhlangothi hulls inkinobho BlackBerry Passport

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Uhlangothi hulls inkinobho BlackBerry Passport
Izinkinobho ukulawula smartphone asethwe ku bezel. Isethi kuhlanganisa ezintathu eziseceleni ezenziwe metal.

Izinkinobho ukulawula smartphone asethwe engxenyeni phakathi umzimba.

Isethi kuhlanganisa ezintathu eziseceleni (owodwa) wenza metal. Izinkinobho ohlangothini usebenze umsebenzi ukulawula ivolumu, ukusondeza ngaphandle nangaphakathi, kanye uphathe amathrekhi ohlwini lokudlala. Bheka futhi [GRLINK][/GRLINK].

I choice omuhle ukuze uthole elizongena esikhundleni, ngoba kuyinto esikhululekile okuyingxenye yokuqala, ncamashi izinkinobho efanayo Passport luphothulwe inhlangano.

Izinkinobho ukulawula ivolumu BlackBerry Passport Passport Isiliva-Edishini ziyehluka, khetha ekufanele ukushintsha.

Sicela uqaphele, lento kuhlanganisa kuphela izinkinobho ngokwabo. Uma udinga chip, uyazigcwalisa ukuphokophela, bheka Chip eziseceleni ngoba BlackBerry Passport.

Specifications and properties of the product

Price:  $5

Uhlangothi hulls inkinobho BlackBerry Passport

Product variants and codes:

  • Isiliva yesiliva-Edishini PSSBUTSIDE-4
  • Isiliva, ngoba iphasiphothi yase-ezivamile PSSBUTSIDE-1

PSSBUTSIDE-1 this product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry Passport

PSSBUTSIDE-4 this product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry Passport Silver Edition SQW100-4