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Lasekuqaleni bezel kwenhlangano ukuze BlackBerry Passport

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Lasekuqaleni bezel kwenhlangano ukuze BlackBerry Passport
Buhlanganisa amakhebuli abalulekile futhi izinkinobho, futhi yisisombululo ephelele ukuze ifakwe. BlackBerry ukukhiqizwa, izingxenye ezisele.

Usebe yasekuqaleni BlackBerry Passport efakwe smartphone ekuqaleni ngesikhathi inhlangano efektri. Bezel umbala Metallic nomkhiqizi efakwe Smartphones omnyama nomhlophe, abamnyama bezel — ku-smartphone abomvu, kodwa ungakhetha umbala oyithandayo, zingabantu ehambisanayo.

Usebe kuhlanganisa zonke izintambo ezidingekayo futhi izinkinobho, futhi yisisombululo okuphelele ukufakwa, kuhlanganise:

BlackBerry indandatho mhlawumbe kakhulu "omele" ingxenye BlackBerry — umzimba inquma ukubukeka smartphone: nokuhlanzeka, isitayela kanye nomklamo. Ngaphezu kwalokho, iqukethe izinto ezibalwe ngenhla, futhi lapho zilimele smart phone uyeke ukusebenza ngokufanele. Ngakho-ke Bezel — izingxenye ngokwanele sokuphumula esikhundleni ku BlackBerry. Njengoba ezothatha isikhundla usebe — umsebenzi ukuthi ochwepheshe bethu enze "ngaso leso sikhathi", futhi akudingeki ukuba ashiye idivayisi isikhathi eside. Funda kabanzi ku-ikhasi Njengoba ezothatha isikhundla usebe.

Passport Rim kwi metal futhi ukubukeka stylish.

Bheka futhi: Lasekuqaleni bezel kwenhlangano ukuze BlackBerry Passport Isiliva-Edishini, esiliva.

Specifications and properties of the product

Price:  $23
Product code: PSSBEZEL-O-T1-SL

Lasekuqaleni bezel kwenhlangano ukuze BlackBerry Passport

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry Passport