Lasekuqaleni bezel kwenhlangano ukuze BlackBerry Passport
Usebe yasekuqaleni BlackBerry Passport efakwe smartphone ekuqaleni ngesikhathi inhlangano efektri. Bezel umbala Metallic nomkhiqizi efakwe Smartphones omnyama nomhlophe, abamnyama bezel — ku-smartphone abomvu, kodwa ungakhetha umbala oyithandayo, zingabantu ehambisanayo.
Usebe kuhlanganisa zonke izintambo ezidingekayo futhi izinkinobho, futhi yisisombululo okuphelele ukufakwa, kuhlanganise:
- Chip eziseceleni ngoba BlackBerry Passport, Ngaphandle umbala, ngoba iphasiphothi yase-evamile
- Uhlangothi hulls inkinobho BlackBerry Passport, Isiliva, ngoba iphasiphothi yase-ezivamile
- Circuit switch (phezulu) ngoba BlackBerry Passport, Ngaphandle umbala, ngoba iphasiphothi yase-evamile
- Inkinobho amandla (engenhla) for BlackBerry Passport, Isiliva, ngoba iphasiphothi yase-ezivamile
BlackBerry indandatho mhlawumbe kakhulu "omele" ingxenye BlackBerry — umzimba inquma ukubukeka smartphone: nokuhlanzeka, isitayela kanye nomklamo. Ngaphezu kwalokho, iqukethe izinto ezibalwe ngenhla, futhi lapho zilimele smart phone uyeke ukusebenza ngokufanele. Ngakho-ke Bezel — izingxenye ngokwanele sokuphumula esikhundleni ku BlackBerry. Njengoba ezothatha isikhundla usebe — umsebenzi ukuthi ochwepheshe bethu enze "ngaso leso sikhathi", futhi akudingeki ukuba ashiye idivayisi isikhathi eside. Funda kabanzi ku-ikhasi Njengoba ezothatha isikhundla usebe.
Passport Rim kwi metal futhi ukubukeka stylish.
Bheka futhi: Lasekuqaleni bezel kwenhlangano ukuze BlackBerry Passport Isiliva-Edishini, esiliva.
Specifications and properties of the product
- Quality and function: genuine (authentic)
- Materials and fabric: metal or metal alloy
- Appearance, image and texture: matte
- Product type: Spare part → Housing and its parts → Housing parts → Bezel → Bezel in assembly
Product code: PSSBEZEL-O-T1-SL
![]() This product fits the BlackBerry models: