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Ingxenye engenhla yomzimba BlackBerry Passport

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Ingxenye engenhla yomzimba BlackBerry Passport
Ihlanganisa engxenyeni engenhla ezingemuva smartphone stylistically kuvumelana cover original. Lena element original yomzimba, BlackBerry ukukhiqiza, ekuqaleni efakwe kwi smartphone.

Ingxenye engenhla izindlu (U-clip, Sim Vala Top ikhava) for BlackBerry Passport stylistically nsé original smartphone ikhava. Ngaphansi phezulu nezixhumi zitholakala SIM khadi khadi, kanye nokwaziswa on the smartphone (IMEI, PIN, ukushintshashintsha SQW, FCC ID).

Ingxenye engenhla yomzimba esikhundleni eziningi zizathu, — main ukwehluleka banal lapho ufinyelela Isixhumi SIM khadi, okumqoka kuba nokubukeka. Self esikhundleni somzimba wakhe BlackBerry Passport, ngokuvamile akunzima.

Qaphela ukuthi lokhu spare okuyingxenye iyahluka kuye kudivayisi ukushintshashintsha SQW. Bheka futhi: Ingxenye engenhla yomzimba BlackBerry Passport Silver Edition.

Lena element original yomzimba, BlackBerry ukukhiqiza, ekuqaleni efakwe kwi smartphone.

Specifications and properties of the product

Price:  $8

Ingxenye engenhla yomzimba BlackBerry Passport

Product variants and codes:

  • Black (Black) PSSTOP-BK (ASY-60064-003)
  • White (mbala omhlophe) PSSTOP-WT (ASY-60064-003)

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry Passport