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White ikhibhodi Russian BlackBerry 9105 Pearl 3G
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White ikhibhodi Russian BlackBerry 9105 Pearl 3G
Inikeza look eyindida ngempela ukuba BlackBerry yakho futhi lula ukuthayipha. Lokhu ikhibhodi — BlackBerry Qinisekile, akhiwe RIM BlackBerry. Quality Isiqinisekiso BlackBerry producer.
White ikhibhodi Russian BlackBerry 9105 Pearl 3G zizonikeza look eyindida ngempela futhi lula ukuthayipha BlackBerry yakho. Ngokufaka lokhu ikhibhodi:
- uzizwa kanjani lula futhi fast ungakwazi uthayiphe umbhalo in Russian
- uzobona ukuthi enhle kungaba BlackBerry yakho
Lokhu ikhibhodi — BlackBerry Qinisekile, akhiwe RIM BlackBerry. Quality Isiqinisekiso BlackBerry producer.
White Qinisekile ikhibhodi Russian BlackBerry 9105 Pearl 3G — kuyisinqumo esingcono kakhulu:
- Ngisho ukukhanya kwezindaba izincwadi ebumnyameni
- Ideal for ethintekayo emizweni ukuchofoza izinkinobho futhi kufaneleka eqondile in the smart phone;
- izinto Original enze kube nokwenzeka ukuba ukunweba ikhibhodi wokuphila, ukunciphisa wear yayo;
- Ukubhalela ephikisanayo wakhe, futhi ngokunembile isetshenziswa okhiye ukuqinisekisa ukuthi bakhululeke ukuthayipha nokubukeka tebuciko;
- nomakhi Ukutholakala mshini.
Uma ufaka ikhibhodi kungaba nzima. Ngakho-ke, sincoma ukuthi uxhumane ongoti bethu for umsebenzi, funda kabanzi ekhasini Ukufakwa ikhibhodi Russian (hhayi ababehlangene).
Specifications and properties of the product
- Quality and function: genuine (authentic)
- Materials and fabric: plastic, metal or metal alloy
- Product type: Spare part → Main keypad → Russian keypad → Keypad only
Product code: 9105KEYBRU-WT
![]() This product fits the BlackBerry models: