Original ideskithophu ishaja "Glass" Ukushaja Pod for BlackBerry 9520 / Storm2 9550
Original ideskithophu ishaja "Glass» Ukushaja Pod for BlackBerry 9520 / 9550 Storm2 — nice ngempela futhi kulula ukuyisebenzisa ishaja idivayisi idatha yokuvumelanisa.
Elele phezu kwetafula, idivayisi kuyinto ngaso sonke isikhathi "ukwamukela" BlackBerry yakho, okuzokwenza njalo abe ibhethri ngokugcwele. Ukusebenzisa kwabo esivumelana okungaphezu icala evamile. Ebumnyameni, idivayisi esikhanyayo esikhanyayo, futhi ifakwe ku-ke smartphone. Idivayisi ine enamathela iraba asisho sehla phezu kwetafula.
Isici esibalulekile salo kule divayisi yikhono ukuvumelanisa nge-computer. Ngamanye amazwi, uma uxhuma Ukushaja Pod for BlackBerry 9520 / Storm2 9550 hhayi eziko likagesi futhi nekhompyutha ngokusebenzisa USB-ikhebula, ungakwazi ukwenza yonke imisebenzi, kanye ukuxhumana ngqo, kuhlanganise nomsebenzi ne BlackBerry Ubuso bekhompyutha Manager. Ukukopisha umculo nezithombe, ufake izicelo, yesipele idatha yakho kanye nomsebenzi nge — imemori khadi zonke ongakhetha kule divayisi.
Lapho BlackBerry wakho "ingilazi", kungenzeka ukusebenzisa: ungasebenzisa wocingo, ulalele umculo, ubukele noma amavidiyo ngaphandle balikhipha nasezinguqulweni ishaja! I original "glass» Ukushaja Pod for BlackBerry 9520 / 9550 Storm2 — into Irreplaceable umnikazi wale divayisi.
Specifications and properties of the product
- Quality and function: genuine (authentic)
- Materials and fabric: plastic, steel
- Appearance, image and texture: two or more colors
- Product type: Charger and its accessories → Charging pod or dock station → Charging pod
Price: $46
Product code: ASY-14396-012 (HDW-24477-001)
![]() This product fits the BlackBerry models: