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Isignesha Isikhumba Case for kuhlangene Smartphone Experts CombiFlip BlackBerry 9700 / 9780 Bold

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Isignesha Isikhumba Case for kuhlangene Smartphone Experts CombiFlip BlackBerry 9700 / 9780 Bold
I stylish and eliphezulu premium accessory ye ezenziwe okuqotho nge ukuthungwa smooth. Easy ukusebenzisa futhi abupheli.

Isignesha Isikhumba Case for kuhlangene Smartphone Experts CombiFlip BlackBerry 9700 / 9780 Bold — isikhwama Amatebhe kusukela Smartphone Experts inkampani, kahle kungase kutholakale ezimakethe izesekeli for eselula. Made of okuqotho. Kuyoba ahlinzeke ukuvikelwa eliphelele kakhulu BlackBerry yakho kusuka ezingezinhle namathonya zangaphandle (umthelela, imihuzuko, ukungcola, uthuli umswakama) futhi iqinisekisa lula ukusetshenziswa:

  • engxenyeni engaphakathi, futhi ezenziwe ngesikhumba esishukiwe in the "Uhlaka" shape, esemgwaqweni ngaphakathi smartphone;
  • soft fleecy Indwangu kuyosiza ukugwema imihuzuko;
  • Zonke izingxenye esikhiphekayo amboze unfastened abethela ngaphandle nobunzima;
  • ukusebenza nge ifoni hhayi ngempela kokuyikhipha ipotimende layo: umane flip lid and the keyboard, nesihenqo lizovuleka;
  • Kukhona amathuba nezimbobo.

Case Amatebhe: Comes lid unfastened kanye esikhiphekayo Bopha ibhande isiqeshana, ungakwazi sihlanganise lezi zingxenye njengoba oyifunayo. Isignesha Isikhumba Case for kuhlangene Smartphone Experts CombiFlip BlackBerry 9700 / 9780 Bold — stylish and eliphezulu isesekeli, kuyoba sijabulise nawe nge ukubonakala kwawo kanye nenduduzo, futhi abupheli.

Specifications and properties of the product

  • Quality and function: premium, brand name, case with a removable clip
  • Materials and fabric: genuine leather
  • Appearance, image and texture: plain colored, fine texture
  • Product type:
Price:  $65  $10
Product code: 82S0207

Isignesha Isikhumba Case for kuhlangene Smartphone Experts CombiFlip BlackBerry 9700 / 9780 Bold

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry 9780
  • BlackBerry 9700