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媒体音箱(喇叭),T22为BlackBerry KEYone
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媒体音箱(喇叭),T22为BlackBerry KEYone
对于BlackBerry KEYone型T22高品质扬声器的媒体,转载音等外部声音。原装备件,BlackBerry生产。
对于BlackBerry KEYone型T22高品质扬声器的媒体,转载音等外部声音。如果你有问题,需要更换。欲了解更多信息,请访问更换媒体音箱页。
Specifications and properties of the product
- Quality and function: genuine (authentic)
- Materials and fabric: metal or metal alloy
- Product type: Spare part → Speaker
Product code: SPEAKER-T22
This product fits the BlackBerry models: