I-Mono Headset ye-3.5mm Premium i-Mono Bud Headset ye-BlackBerry
I-3.5mm Premium Mono Bud Headset yokuqala ye-BlackBerry ikuvumela ukuthi usebenzise i-BlackBerry yakho kahle. I-headset ye-mono ine-headset eyodwa: kukhululekile ukusebenza, i-headset ngeke ishiye izandla zakho kuphela, kodwa futhi ibuyele indlebe yakho yesibili, eyokuvumela ukuba "ungaphumi" emvelweni bese uqapha isimo (lokhu kubaluleke kakhulu uma wena, isibonelo, ukhuluma efonini ukushayela).
I-Headset ye-Premium iveza isimo esicabangelayo, esithile esikhethekile, esise-silicone. Umsindo ophezulu wekhwalithi.
I-headset ifakwe imakrofoni eyakhelwe ngaphakathi, inkinobho yokwamukela / ukucima ucingo kanye ne-mini clip yokunamathisela ucingo. Ngaphezu kwalokho, i-kit ihlanganisa ama-earplugs angu-3 (ubukhulu be-S, M ne-L), okuzokuvumela ukuba ukhethe usayizi okhululekile kakhulu kuwe.
I-headset ye— iyinto ebaluleke kakhulu kumuntu ohola indlela yokuphila esebenzayo: ikuvumela ukuthi usebenzise i-BlackBerry, ushiye izandla zakho mahhala!
Specifications and properties of the product
- Quality and function: bestseller, premium, genuine (authentic)
- Materials and fabric: plastic, silicone (rubber), metal or metal alloy
- Product type: Headset and its accessories → Wired → 3.5" headset → Mono
Product code: HDW-17906-003 (ACC-17906-303)
![]() This product fits the BlackBerry models: