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Ishaja yenethiwekhi yasekuqaleni inyuke umthamo wamanje we-1300mA Euro weBlackBerry

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Ishaja yenethiwekhi yasekuqaleni inyuke umthamo wamanje we-1300mA Euro weBlackBerry
Lejaja yenethiwekhi yanda ukukhishwa kwamanje i— 1300mA. Uhlobo lwe-Euro.

Lejaja yenethiwekhi inamandla amakhulu okukhipha we-— 1300mA — futhi iyahambisana nezithombe ezintsha zeBlackBerry.

Idivayisi inokukhishwa kwendawo yonke yekhebula le-USB (elisebusweni ohlangothini). Ungasebenzisa ikhebula le-USB elize nefoni yakho, noma uthenge okulungile .

It has usayizi encane nesisindo, kulula ukuhamba nawe ehhovisi noma ukuhamba.

Bheka futhi:

Specifications and properties of the product

Price:  $27
Product code: ASY-58929-002 (HDW-58922-001)

Ishaja yenethiwekhi yasekuqaleni inyuke umthamo wamanje we-1300mA Euro weBlackBerry

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry Все модели