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Ishaja yebhethri engu-N-X1 ye-BlackBerry

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Ishaja yebhethri engu-N-X1 ye-BlackBerry
Ishaja eqinile enekhebula eyakhelwe ngaphakathi. Into engabuyiseleki uma unebhethri elengeziwe.

Ibhethri alifakiwe.

Ikuvumela ukuthi ushaje ibhethri ngaphandle kokulishutheka ocingweni. Idivayisi inekhebula elincane elakhelwe ngaphakathi, isixhumi saso esinganqanyulwa kalula uma udinga ukuxhuma ocingweni, bese kuba lula ukusisusa. Ngenxa yalokhu kucushwa, idivayisi ihlala ihlangene futhi isebenza, kulula kakhulu ukuyiphatha nawe, ngeke uhlangane nezintambo futhi ngeke ukhohlwe ukuthatha ikhebula.

Ishaja enjalo ye-— iyinto engenakushintshwa lapho kukhona ibhethri elengeziwe, elifanele kokubili i-Ibhethri original N-X1 for BlackBerry ne-Ibhethri N-X1 ukuze BlackBerry (ikhophi). Ngenxa yomphumela owengeziwe we-USB, ungashaja kokubili ibhethri elengeziwe kanye ne-smartphone ngesikhathi esisodwa.

Specifications and properties of the product

Price:  $33  $7

Ishaja yebhethri engu-N-X1 ye-BlackBerry

Product variants and codes:

  • Mnyama CHBTNX1-BK
  • Emhlophe CHBTNX1-WT

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry Q10
  • BlackBerry 9983