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Ezimweni ezinjalo ngokuthi "bumper" ukuze BlackBerry

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The bumper type case is a relatively new model of the protective case. Perfect for those who do not want to change the design of the favorite BlackBerry smartphone, but want to protect the sides and corners of it, body parts, which are really the most often scratched. The bumper does not interfere and it has cutouts for all the functional elements. You can also see all products of type Cases for BlackBerry and its components.

Bumper BlackBerry — lula futhi elula esithwele icala. It cishe akashintshi ukuklanywa smartphone, kodwa smartphone yakho ivikelwe kahle azungezwe, silondoloza indandatho ifomu yayo yasekuqaleni.

Case-bumper ngoba BlackBerry wenziwe abicah onensika nezimpawu nokunwebeka. Lokhu kwaziswa kunikeza esihle bumper kufanelekile, ukushaqeka ukumuncwa, ivikeleke kakhulu kusukela ukuzinwaya igawula, ekuvimbeleni ukusilaphazeka. Ukuze ngokwabo bumper Kulula ukuba banakekele: kwanele ukusula ngayo napkin.

Bumper ngoba BlackBerry eqinile futhi kulula ukuyisebenzisa, it has cutouts ngenxa ye-USB isixhumi, okokufaka komsindo kanye nezinye izingxenye sokusebenza. Case-bumper ngokwanele ukuba ukugqoka kanye ukusebenza ukususa kwakungeke kudingeke smartphone.

Ikhava "bumper" iyatholakala ezihlukahlukene onobuhle BlackBerry ikhumbula isakhiwo zabo kanye nosayizi. Case-bumper iphindwa ukuma kanye Curves zedivayisi. Izinkinobho kulula ucindezela kulo, nginqume nasemigwaqweni iwe ngezansi nje izimbobo oyifunayo.

ukumboza design lesifinyetiwe: ungavala umbuthano ikhava opaque, noma uma ufuna smartphone ngempela sakugcina izinguquko design, khetha version lulwimi lutho we-bumper nge-elementi umbala nentaba. Umbala ikhava bumper, esitolo sethu umelwe hhayi kuphela zakudala abamhlophe nabansundu, kodwa futhi unothile obomvu, elikhanyayo yellow, pink ezithambile kanye nabanye.

Bumper — empeleni esasisesisha Isici sefomu BlackBerry ikhava, kodwa sekuvele wakwazi ukubamba fancy abasebenzisi eziningi. alula, yizinhlobonhlobo, isayizi esincane, futhi abaqotho zamanani isigaba baba izinzuzo zayo. Abasebenzisi ngokuvamile ukukhetha lolu hlobo icala ngenxa onobuhle touch, isibonelo, bumper ukuba bumper ngoba BlackBerry Z30 noma BlackBerry Z10. isebenzisa ngempumelelo njengoba ikhava-bumper ngoba BlackBerry Q10, ikhibhodi smartphone imodeli.

uhla egcwele amabhampa BlackBerry ungabona kuleli khasi. Khetha imodeli yakho futhi ubone izithombe.