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Ukubuyiselwa LCD Screen

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Ukubuyiselwa LCD Screen

Ukubuyiselwa LCD Screen

Screen BlackBerry — (LCD), bangadluli "sensitive" umonakalo smartphone yakho, futhi, ngeshwa, asikwazi lilungiswe uma kwenzeka iphutha. Uma BlackBerry wakho kuyinto screen ephukile, noma wagcwala liquid, noma nje "yenkinga" futhi libonisa amabala anemibala noma umfanekiso elimhlophe, owukuphela kungenzeka ikhambi — ukuphindisela LCD screen.

Sicela uqaphele ukuthi kwezinye izimo (isibonelo, kwi BlackBerry Z10, Passport, Classic), LCD screen asikwazi uhlukane zokuthinta isikrini, bese esikhundleni kulezi zingxenye ngokwehlukana bengayi, — thintana nomhlinzeki nsizakalo wakho Screen Ukubuyiselwa ne umhlangano touch screen .

Enze on-site imizuzu 15-45.

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Price of Ukubuyiselwa LCD Screen service for your BlackBerry model

from $7
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Ukukhipha screen BlackBerry in yesikhungo sesevisi ezikhethekile

Repair indawo BlackBerry — screen umsebenzi olula, ngisho professional, ngoba kudinga disassembly lesifanele futhi ephelele smartphone, ukuliqaqa screen okuyiphutha futhi anqume version yayo, ukufakwa entsha screen entsha, inhlangano nokuhlolwa kwe-smartphone.

Le nkampani ngokukhethekile ukukhanda InfoResheniya Smartphones kanye amaphilisi BlackBerry, futhi esikhundleni kwesikrini kufanele uxhumane nathi. Ochwepheshe zethu zazi kahle zonke izinhlobo BlackBerry, kubandakanya zakamuva; Sisebenzisa kuphela izikrini original BlackBerry lotawusebenta esikhundleni; Once sonke zesikrini for BlackBerry kuyatholakala; ngemuva ukukhanda kwesikrini uthola iwaranti izinyanga 6.

Sicela uqaphele ukuthi akubona bonke izikrini original BlackBerry ngoba onobuhle efanayo iyahambisana nomunye: BlackBerry screen ngamunye libhaliwe version, isibonelo, 001/111, 002/111 noma 004/111. Uma ufake omunye version kwesikrini, esikhundleni salo omunye kwesikrini, smartphone ngeke isebenze — uzobona screen emhlophe, imigqa esibukweni, noma ezinye zobuciko. Ochwepheshe yethu eyonquma inguqulo yohlelo smartphone screen sakho BlackBerry emva kokuqeda futhi ukukhiqiza test emva replacement.

Экран для BlackBerry 9700 и 9780Экран для BlackBerry 8520 и 9300Экран для BlackBerry 9100 и 9105

Esikhundleni screen (emhlanganweni ngaphandle esithintwayo) ingase ibe onobuhle eziningi BlackBerry, kuhlanganise:

  • BlackBerry Q5
  • BlackBerry 9700/9780 Bold
  • BlackBerry 9100/9105 Pearl 3G
  • BlackBerry 9860 Torch
  • BlackBerry 8520/9300 Ijika 3G
  • BlackBerry 8900 Curve

Uhlu oluphelele models kanye namanani ukushintshwa izikrini BlackBerry bheka isithombe esingenhla usebenzisa element "intengo inkonzo model yakho BlackBerry».