The truth about BlackBerry RosTest
And you have BlackBerry Rostest? No? Fuu, the horse. Here, about such things you have to hear.
BlackBerry Rostest
Most of you think that the BlackBerry smartphone with the Rostest label (in the sense, real, and not the one that the online stores paste) is better than the "gray" device. And I'll say that on the contrary, such a smartphone is worse.
This certification is needed not to you, users, but to the regulatory authorities. As a result, the "rostering" of BlackBerry smartphones resulted in the loss of the Wi-Fi module, the BBM messenger, the compression of traffic and the protection of the transmitted data. Pros? Yeah, the "Rostest" sticker.
But what about compliance with GOSTs, security for the user, "originality of the device"? All BlackBerry smartphones and all their components are tested by independent laboratories for safety for humans, animals, the quality of the received signal, the loudness level of the speakers, and the hrenemic of everyones, too.

List of FCC certification documents for BlackBerry Passport SQW100-3
You can not find a smartphone that is different from the other — they are all the same. Well, it's the Pindos test, you say? Well, yes, they are stupid.
In general, for some reason, it is sufficient to add Rostest or GOST to a product, and it automatically becomes qualitative. And, is it GOST for the number of windows in the accountants' office on the milk packaging? Come on, who knows about this. It's enough to add the word blackberry to the domain name, such as,, and the store automatically becomes official, proprietary, and sells "only original BlackBerry". And still, it is better to buy vegetable oil without cholesterol, a biscuit that does not contain gluten, and ultra-pasteurized milk that does not require boiling.
The crux of the matter is not that they are villains and manipulate buyers, but that these same buyers want this, covering their illiteracy, and transferring responsibility for their purchase (or choice of store) to others. Want — receive. Yes, not everyone needs to "cut" in the integrals, but everyone should know what is the point in them. Why? Because it's a school program.
And now "painful". If you are a producer of vegetable oil, and understand all the absurdity, you still write on the package "does not contain cholesterol". Because if you do not, you will not sell and will starve to death, like your employees. Quite frankly, the status of the BlackBerry Alliance Associate Member, which was received by Info Solutions in 2012, does not give any buns (there were access to beta versions of devices, firmware, the opportunity to use the trade mark in certain cases, the ability to get a batch of devices for demonstration to corporate customers, and Something else, I do not remember already). Moreover, the program of the Alliance Member has been closed for several years already. However, what kind of shop are we, BlackBerry, if we do not have this word in the domain name, and we will not write anything on the site either?
Original BlackBerry
This is a circus in general. "Neoriginal" BlackBerry, which could be confused with the "original", no. There are some devices that resemble BlackBerry, about how Lada Kalina resembles Mercedes-Benz.

BlackBerry 9500 Storm! BlackBerry 9500 Storm?
And official stores blackberry-something.rf so intimidated the buyers that they periodically ask us to confirm the "originality" of smartphones or parts, or accessories, almost by the signatures of John Chen (CEO BlackBerry / RIM), Justin Trudeau (Prime Minister Canada) and Vladimir Putin (Who is Mr. Putin?).
On a note
Official stores, as well as "authorized" service centers BlackBerry in Russia there, and in the near future will not. When our company applied to the Russian representative office of RIM (then still) and to the Canadian office BlackBerry with a request to become a BlackBerry service center in Russia, or at least receive any support, we were denied, and then completely ignored our appeals. The reasons are simple — very small number of BlackBerry users in Russia, legal difficulties, lack of predictable future. Many complications of — are of little profit.
At the moment, the BlackBerry representative office in Russia is completely closed, leaving a brand to support — enthusiasts, users should be grateful to the news resources, communities, forums and shops dealing with BlackBerry in Russia. It remains only to hope that the situation will change, and the Russian user will become interesting to the Canadian company.
PS I take this opportunity to send my regards to John Chen;)