Installing WhatsApp on BlackBerry
Installing WhatsApp on BlackBerry
WhatsApp has once again extended WhatsApp support on BlackBerry 10 and BlackBerry OS devices 5-7, however, due to the blocking of the BlackBerry World store, installing and updating the messenger is not easy and affordable for the average user.
Installing WhatsApp on BlackBerry
WhatsApp — is a native messenger, that is, a program developed specifically for the operating system BlackBerry, and therefore, unlike the Android version, it works quickly and has almost no effect on battery consumption.
Our experts will be able to install, update and configure native WhatsApp on your BlackBerry. To do this, you need to bring or deliver the device to our service center.
How to install whatsapp yourself
To install WhatsApp on BlackBerry yourself, you need to have an Internet connection via VPN. In this case, you can download the instant messenger from BlackBerry World. Read more: VPN service for BlackBerry.