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Replacing the SIM card connector

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Replacing the SIM card connector

Replacing the SIM card connector

If broken connector SIM card BlackBerry, you can not use your device — it will just "bricks". We can help you by replacing the SIM card slot. We will carry out a replacement connector for 1-5 days, depending on the model BlackBerry.

Get this service via mail-in worldwide. Easy as 1-2-3-4, and top-level quality are guaranteed.

Price of Replacing the SIM card connector service for your BlackBerry model

from $16
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Replacing the SIM slot on the BlackBerry

If the connector is damaged SIM card on your BlackBerry is not possible to call, write SMS and messaging messenger and e-mail is not possible. Of course, in this case, repair is simply necessary.

The solution is to replace the connector SIM, as "repaired" in most cases it is impossible: it is due to physical damage to his contacts. For replacement, we use the original connectors SIM, specific to various devices BlackBerry. Replacing the SIM card connector — pretty hard work, because in most cases require soldering (on some models BlackBerry, yet plugs SIM cards are removable).

Замена разъема сим-карты для BlackBerry 8300Микросхема карты памяти, сим-карты и вспышки BlackBerry 9850/9860 TorchЗамена разъема сим-карты для BlackBerry 9900, 9981

Dimensions of SIM-cards are different: "ordinary" (all models of BlackBerry OS 4-7), «micro» (Z10, Q10, Z30 and others) and "nano» (Passport, Classic). Please note, we do not recommend that you use adapters from one type of SIM card to another, since they are the most frequent cause of failure of the connector. Adapters and cling to violate the integrity of the connector pins.

Connector SIM card can be replaced on all BlackBerry models standard GSM, including:

  • BlackBerry Passport
  • BlackBerry Classic
  • BlackBerry Z30, Z3, Leap
  • BlackBerry Z10
  • BlackBerry Q10, Q5
  • BlackBerry 9900/9930 Bold
  • BlackBerry 9700/9780 Bold
  • BlackBerry 9850/9860 Torch
  • BlackBerry 9000 Bold

The full list of models and prices see above replacement by using the "price of the service for your model of BlackBerry».